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Dovesfoot Cranesbill

Dovesfoot Cranesbill

8.415 20

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Dovesfoot Cranesbill

A quite attractive, but very small wild flower (about 0,5cm. across).

For one reason or another, ‘geranium’ is often the name given incorrectly by gardeners to a very popular balcony plant which is in fact ‘pelargonium’.
What you see here is the one and only real geranium.

Dutch name : Zachte ooievaarsbek
German name : Weiche Storchschnabel
Latin name : Geranium molle

Comentarios 20

  • Gisèle W. 28/05/2009 12:59

    Verfijnde opname, prachtig!!
  • bernardo braccini 28/05/2009 5:38

    A wonderful supermacro !!!!!!
    Your geranio is very beautiful !
  • Wendy de With 27/05/2009 20:58

    Lovely capture of this tiny beautiful little flower. Nice details and good dof.
    Greetings, Wendy
  • Georg Götz 27/05/2009 17:46

    Wunderschön mit excellenter Schärfe.
    Sehr fein in Szene gesetzt.

  • † Ushie Farkas 26/05/2009 23:17

    I love it! TOP !!! Salut Ushie
  • Christa Regina 26/05/2009 23:16

    Wunderschön dieses Blümchen. Deine letzten Bilder zeigen mir, dass Du die gleichen Dinge liebst wie ich.
    War in den letzten Tagen stundenlang in den Wiesen unterwegs. Einfach herrlich. Es müssen nicht immer die gezüchteten Blumen sein. In den Wiesen verbergen sich wahre Schätze. Sei herzlich gegrüsst von Christa
  • Adele D. Oliver 26/05/2009 20:57

    A very beautiful image!!! So well focussed showing us all the fine details of this lovely tiny flower - geranium .... very interesting what you are telling us!!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Deryck 26/05/2009 20:44

    Well now Gernaniums will never be the same again! This is such a beautiful flower albeit a very small one. A lovely capture Mark and thanks for the interesting info
  • j.a.j.jansen m. 26/05/2009 18:37

    A very nice capture of the flower and I like the soft colours, well captured.
    Regards, Jan.
  • Canan Oner 26/05/2009 15:36

    Excellent again Mark...Great DOF...
  • Pascal Viyer 26/05/2009 13:25

    attractive macro
  • Anca Silvia B. 26/05/2009 12:56

  • Josef Kainz 26/05/2009 12:48

    Super ein klasse Foto
    lg. josef
  • JeannyL 26/05/2009 11:57

    ein ganz tolles Macro Mark
    LG Jeanny
  • Werner R. Albert 26/05/2009 11:15

    Beautiful presentation with great deepth.
    Very fine done.
    best wishes