2.886 3

Victoria Payne

Free Account, Newtown,Powys

Dream about death

We all know that soonner or later, death will come to us,hopefully not prematurely, but as the inevitable and inescapable last stage in the cycle of life. However much we try to avoid thinking about own death, or that of our loved ones, our uncounsious will at some stage start to address the issue and try to prepare us for it.

Comentarios 3

  • Paul Clarke 14/12/2004 17:25

    You have a real fantasy art style........your pictures could almost be airbrushed paintings. Do you use a lot of airbrush techniques in your software?
  • Donna Vitkauskas 07/12/2004 22:16

    Great work!
  • Mo Om 03/12/2004 20:44

    So u see you self as an angle? (joking)
    Nice pic