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Elderberry Harvest

Elderberry Harvest

1.526 3

Peter Iden

Free Account, Brampton, Ontario

Elderberry Harvest

We expect a great harvest of elderberries this fall.
(if the birds don't get them first!).
Wir erwarten eine gute Fliederbeeren-Ernte im Herbst
(wenn die Voegel sie nicht zuerst ernten!).

Comentarios 3

  • Lawson McCulloch 09/07/2007 20:58

    A lovely shot.
    best wishes from Lawson McCulloch.
  • Peter Iden 08/07/2007 21:42

    Don't know Elderberry Wine, Tom, never had it. But
    I am not impressed with any fruit wines, except
    those from grapes - red, preferably! But even if we
    did make Elderberry Wine, we could not bring you
    a sample. Coming back from Puerto Rico in January,
    those d...n US-Customs people took two great bottles
    of Puerto-Rican Rum from us - presumably to drink
    it themselves! :-( Regards, Peter.
  • Tom McAlexander 08/07/2007 10:24

    Can't wait to taste the elderberry wine.