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...en un futuro cercano.

...en un futuro cercano.

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...en un futuro cercano.

3 months is definately a very short time, I know she is nervous and even though she has been down this road before, it still must play in her mind that all continues well,...and so do I.

She definately has had a little more on her plate then the first time, now, she has Matthew to keep an eye on during this pregnancy and go through the motions of the pregnancy as well. I have not left her side during this time and will definately continue to be there for her.

...a thousand words would not be enough, and I could place many treasures on her feet and I would still not be able to make up for this great expression of love.

....I ( during the time of dating, asked her how much she loved me, she responded by streching her arms out and saying,.." the universe itself in its abundance of space could not hold the love I feel for you! "...)

well,...I feel the same for her.

Para la dulcura de mi vida!...

Mil besos y mas!

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