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Exotic Beauty (109) : Gentian Sage

Exotic Beauty (109) : Gentian Sage

50.294 35

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Exotic Beauty (109) : Gentian Sage

The past years I made several visits to the conservatories of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium where 10.000 (!) plant and tree species originating from the tropics and the subtropics are growing in the greenhouses over there.

Thanks to the warm and moist climate in the conservatories and the intensive maintenance, it’s really amazing what an immense great variety of exotic flowers from all over the world can be seen there, even in the cold winter season !
Flowers whose natural habitat is situated in the rainforest, the mountain forest, isolated islands, deserts, etc……. Places that most of us will never or seldom visit.
Some of the flowers are very rare, extremely colourful or specially shaped.
Others were introduced in Europe by men and became a cultivated species or an ornamental houseplant.

I selected the –to my personal taste- most beautiful flowers that I saw there and made a series of them.


In English also known as spreading sage or blue-flowered sage.
Dutch name : Wilde salie
German name : Enzian-Salbei
Latin name : Salvia patens

Country of origin : Mexico


Its colour is assumed as the purest and deepest blue of all flowers in the world.

Comentarios 35

  • Cecile 12/05/2019 19:53

    Was für eine wunderschöne Blüte in einem so strahlenden Blau und jedes feinste Härchen ist im Gegenlicht zu sehen.
    Einmalig gut ist diese Aufnahme, Mark ...
    Ein großes Kompliment an dich.
    So eine Blüte habe ich noch nie gesehen, deshalb gut, dass es die FC gibt.
    Liebe Grüße zu dir, Elfi Cecile
  • Diana V. P. 30/01/2017 17:51

    WOW... die Farbe ist echt der Hammer. Eine wunderbare Aufnahme... Chapeau!!
    Liebe Grüße
  • rolvin 27/01/2017 20:57

    Colors and light are great and your choice to present the photo as a panorama!
  • Mirjam Burer 27/01/2017 18:17

    this is sooooo beautiful....Light and colours....Big compliment Mark
    Have a wonderful weekend, lg, Mirjam
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 26/01/2017 15:50

  • Mohr Wilfried 26/01/2017 14:21

    Gruß Wilfried
  • Sabine Junge 26/01/2017 9:21

    Awesome kind of light and clear striking colors in best sharpness. Like in reality. It seems as one could reach the blossom!
  • norma ateca 26/01/2017 7:32

    HERRLICHE Foto Makroaufnahme LG norma
  • Adele D. Oliver 25/01/2017 21:29

    wow - the most amazing blue, and fabulous the sharpness with all the little hairs
    showing ... a splendid sharp and well lit capture !!!
    warm regards,
  • adriana lissandrini 25/01/2017 21:14

    the gentian, what a beauty! Excellent macro, sharp, extra color and light
    gr. Adriana
  • irminsul 25/01/2017 20:11

    eine sehr schöne Aufnahme - er blüht bei mir schon jahrelang in meinem Garten
    er kann bei idealem Standort bis zu 2 Meter hoch werden und blüht bis in den ersten Frost hinein.....
    LG Jörg
    Der enzianblaue.......
    Der enzianblaue.......
  • K.-H.Schulz 25/01/2017 19:27

    Exellente- Präsentation
  • Pistone Bernardo 25/01/2017 17:50

    Grandios...Mark+++++++++++++++++++Bravo! Bernardo
  • Günther Metzinger 25/01/2017 17:31

    Was für ein wundervolles Blau! Sehr schön im Gegenlicht auch die feinen Härchen zur Geltung gebracht.
    VG Günther M
  • Sigrid E 25/01/2017 16:56

    Ein herrliches Blau und klasse der Bildschnitt!
    LG Sigrid