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Finding the Zen on A Date Gone Wrong

Finding the Zen on A Date Gone Wrong

2.935 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Finding the Zen on A Date Gone Wrong

Okay, It's raining, your scooter just dies, and all the places look closed. What do you do.

Take your clothes off, let the rain give you a bath, While rain is just making you wetter. Have a sweet snack. Things will get better. After all you are practicing a little Ti Chi philosophy by going with the rain instead of fighting it.

OM. :)

Comentarios 7

  • mohane 04/10/2014 19:11

    En voilà deux qui ont tout compris à la vie!
  • RonnBeams 03/10/2014 23:31

    Wonderfully uninhibited, genuine faces without so much as a hint of anything self-conscious. I especially like the lean in the one child and how he blends so subtly into that of the scooter handle. Your warm colors enhance the mood here and nicely contrast with the footwear and handle bars.
  • Andreas K. Julian 02/10/2014 11:47

    .. nice shot! +++++
  • Tania Skaradek 02/10/2014 11:03

    You're right!
    To enjoy life possible and necessary in any weather:-)))
    Those kids are doing it the best way!
  • Priska Rüegg 01/10/2014 23:20

    what a nice little story to this refreshing scene. Making a happy time out of shitty weather, that's enjoying life!
  • Inez Correia Marques 01/10/2014 23:10

    very beautiful and rain is very much therapy !!!
    nothing could be bettter
  • MissNeugier 01/10/2014 23:02

    Very cool.....I like the view and the colors ;-))