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Flowers for Algenor

Flowers for Algenor

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Flowers for Algenor

Just don't know how to tell ("Flowers for Algenor" is a perfect SF novel): Nature is so alive even we put her into a deadly situation...

Comentarios 4

  • Victor Lungu 21/08/2007 17:50

    ))) thank you for visiting me and posting a comment. hm)))) you're kind. Thanks again!
  • Artemisia 21/08/2007 17:03

    Hm ... FC is full of deadly situations, isn't it? Cause every picture is one - in the moment of taking it's gone into the past. By the way: A very good work you show here!
  • Victor Lungu 20/08/2007 19:42

    Thank you))) it's a lot of work on this pic.
  • Anca Silvia B. 20/08/2007 19:31

    Good pic!