993 6

Fungi effect

A bit of artistic play with a fungi. Kodak Z700. Hand held.

Comentarios 6

  • Olivier Joubert 09/11/2006 18:54

  • Katerina Zumrová 30/10/2006 18:10

    good idea...nice shot...
    regards, Katerina
  • John Bennett 30/10/2006 13:20

    Great macro shot, I lke your series of fungi pictures.
  • Neil Auty 30/10/2006 9:36

    I notice that overshine now in the gills, however that is because I am now using my work LCD monitor. From home, on my old CRT set-up, the picture looks perfectly good and I was a bit confused about your comment first thing this morning. Looks like I will have to proof my pics across a whole spectrum of combinations prior to publishing in future...

    Neil A
  • Cees Kuijs 30/10/2006 7:43

    Good angle and composition. A bit overshine in the middle of the hat.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Jacqueline Chay 30/10/2006 2:53

    Nice work i like it :-))
    Regards Jackie