526 3


Premium (World), New Jersey

Garter Snake

Even though this is a harmless snake, I could not get any closer to take a better picture.

The most widespread and frequently encountered snakes in New York state are the garter snake and the water snake. Garter snakes use a wide variety of habitats, from woodlands to marshes to fields and exist quite well around human habitations. These snakes, like many other species, are variable in color and pattern; the basic color is dark brown or green with three yellowish stripes down their sides and back. They may reach lengths of two feet, but are typically smaller. They are completely harmless to people.

Comentarios 3

  • Petra Jacobi 26/06/2012 6:59

    Hast du eine Strumpfbandnatter im Garten, bewahrt sie dich vor der Schneckenplage.
    Fein hast du sie im Bild festgehalten. Mir gefallen Bildaufbau und Farben besonders gut.
    Lieben Gruß Petra
  • Adele D. Oliver 18/06/2012 21:43

    quite well camouflaged this beautiful Garter Snake ... you captured her nicely in her natiral surroundings !
    a hug, Adele
  • cornagoae 18/06/2012 7:06

    la couleuvre !!! beau shoot ... bises chantal


Vistas 526


Cámara Canon EOS 7D
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 6.3
Tiempo de exposición 1/400
Distancia focal 225.0 mm
ISO 250