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Gate to The Other World

Gate to The Other World

18.452 10

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Gate to The Other World

This vast open air complex is the furtherest thing from resembling a cemetery. Once you open the gate and look around. You feel as if you are in a small town filled with hobbit cottages for the departed. In a shot time you get the feeling the place is booming with spirits living a live no different than the living. It's kind of like the Egyptians. You see bodies , but the dwellings is as if one has a home to continue living. When I fixed my eyes on a structure it was as if someone was standing there waving to me. Maybe it's the haggis and blood pudding and squishy cooked tomato I had. But there wasn't any options to be found in the menu,, accept the words continental with a fruit cocktail.

Comentarios 10


Carpeta Landscape
Vistas 18.452


Cámara Nikon D70 IR
Objetivo ---
Diafragma ---
Tiempo de exposición ---
Distancia focal ---
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