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Gegenlicht - 1. Versuch

Gegenlicht - 1. Versuch

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Gegenlicht - 1. Versuch

Ich habe mich im Urlaub zum ersten Mal an Gegenlichtfotos gewagt. Über Kritik und Tipps dazu wäre ich sehr dankbar!

Comentarios 8

Dorothee Landes desea expresamente feedback constructivo para esta fotografía. Ayúdalo con consejos sobre la composición de la imagen, la técnica, el lenguaje de la imagen, etc. (Por favor, ¡ten en cuenta el código de conducta!).
  • markkeville 17/12/2017 17:23

    I see that this from the English lake District. Do you know which lake this is ?
    • Dorothee Landes 21/12/2017 18:24

      Yes it's from the Lakes. It's Buttermere...
    • markkeville 21/12/2017 21:07

      I never get up that high. So, I wonder if your view-point is "Haystacks" and innominate tarn - where the ashes of the guide-book writer, Alfred Wainwright, were scattered ? Buttermere is nice. People like to walk around the shore - and hope to enjoy reflections of the mountains.
    • Dorothee Landes 01/01/2018 15:44

      It's a bit further north than Haystacks, Our view point was between Buttermere and Crummock Water.
    • markkeville 02/01/2018 10:03

      Thankyou for the clarification. You must have been near the top of, or close to, that dominating hill - Grassmoor. It is a nice valley, that - also further north into the area called Loweswater.
  • markkeville 17/12/2017 17:12

    Hello Dorothee.
    My comment is in English, I'm afraid.
    When I take a picture like this - into the sun, (back-lit) - then I use photoshop elements . In the first place - I would use the "clone tool" to cover the red spot with some clone of the rocky surface ; and secondly, I would use the quick selection tool to select the sky-part of the image - and use the light -darkening function to make the sky a bit darker, and thereby, to reduce the stark contrast between the two halves of the image. It will still leave the sky too light ; but it will be less light.

    There is some "free" photo-editing software out there.

    Is this image from the Alps ?

    • Dorothee Landes 21/12/2017 18:31

      Thank you! I see what you mean about the stark contrast between the sky and the rocks. Usually I don't use photoshop elements for my photography. Do you know how to get the same effect by changing camera settings?
    • markkeville 21/12/2017 21:23

      I am not a very sophisticated , or technical, photographer. But - my camera does have an automatic "high dynamic range " (HDR) setting - where it takes 3 to 6 pictures of the same scene , in quick succession, at varying "exposures", and then combines them into a single, combined image.
      A lot of photographers pursue HDR as a process - using software to combine several images taken at different exposures, back on their computers.
      HDR landscape images tend to have darker, heavily-textured clouds and skies , as well as heavily textured/lined landscape features.

      Another problem - when shooting in to the light - are the light spots and flares of light. People tend to use "lens hoods" to reduce this problem. I take so many pictures, myself, and my camera is in and out of my bag so often - that I would find a lens hood to be an encumbrance.

      That is all I know. I do not know much, at all.

      The sun is both my friend and my enemy - but most of the time it is a firm friend. Mark.