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Glorious Persepolis

Glorious Persepolis

4.038 4

Sepideh Q.

Free Account, Tehran

Glorious Persepolis

Hello my dear friends. Hope you are fine.
Last week I had a trip to Shiraz, the city of poets, literature, wine and flowers, the city of the ancient kings and glorious monuments.

You must be there to feel it's real glory... Wish you all have the chance ... :)

Persepolis - Shiraz - Iran

Persepolis (In persian Takht-e Jamshid ("The Throne of Jamshid")

Comentarios 4

  • Christian Bertero 04/08/2013 13:46

    Sepideh you are right to present ever and ever your high civilization and remember about your poets and artists, your great past society which was a fantastic light in the ancient world.

    Congratulations and continue on this way, we are all very interested by Persia ...
  • s. sabine krause 03/07/2013 16:29

    persepolis! the sound of the name alone leaves us awestruck! it must be a place with an incredible aura about it! an aura that makes visitors sense the greatness of the people of ancient times and their achievements! you managed to convey that aura well in your image, sepideh! the tall columns – monuments of a glorious past – and the tiny contemporary people walking among them, exploring history… my favorite detail: the little girl's pony tail: she seems so alive among the venerable old stones! hugs, sabine.
  • Nati E. 02/07/2013 15:25

    What an impressive place, what a history!
  • Alfred Schultz 24/06/2013 18:14

    Salam Sepideh,
    It's good that you're here again.
    - With an image with a lot of blue sky and
    many impressive columns.
    Hopefully things will soon change for the better
    in your country.
    Best wishes - Alfred
    PS: Sorry, but I am not with Facebook


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