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Good Bye, my friend

Good Bye, my friend

9.063 12

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Good Bye, my friend

You had a beautiful mother.
It was hard to give you birth and she needed our help to save your life.
You were just too big!

When you grew up, it was absolutely necessary to keep the door shut, otherwise you ran out just like lightning!
A little later the phone rang and we knew, it was the farmer near by.
You just had again a great catch :-)

You loved children.
You watched our house.
You were a part of our family for thirteen years.

The last days your heart became weaker and weaker.

Today it finished to keep you alive.

If All Dogs Go to Heaven, I wish you will be there, enjoying this beautiful place.

Good bye, my friend .....

Bobby @ City of Rocks, New Mexico
Bobby @ City of Rocks, New Mexico
Matthias Moritz

Gähn - keine Hühner in Sicht hier...
Gähn - keine Hühner in Sicht hier...
Matthias Moritz

Comentarios 12

  • Mark Billiau. 16/04/2020 11:15

    I read that you also experienced this in 2012, now it is my turn .....
  • viola d 14/03/2012 9:27

    Now, this is a perfect picture with a story behind. The story about selfless love, affection, joy, happiness and devotion. The story ab short-lived moments of anger or impatience (how could you do this to that chicken!?:)), perhaps anxiety (where have you been so long?), pride (just look at him, isn't he brave and beautiful?) and so on. I'm sure you could write numerous stories based on this one picture of your beloved friend. I'm so sorry he is gone. Best wishes. Viola
  • Der Zacki 28/02/2012 18:51

  • cHrist.. 22/02/2012 21:12

    Ein wunderbares Portrait... mit diesem Blick!

  • Lawson McCulloch 18/02/2012 10:32

    My heart goes out to you at the loss of your dear friend. He gave you so many happy times, and you will never forget him.
    best wishes from Scotland.
  • Canan Oner 17/02/2012 12:23

    I am so sorry for your loss Mathias and can feel well., cause I have lost my dear Tina just two weeks ago..We needed to put her into sleep not to feel the pain any more..Was a difficult decision to make :-(
    Always feels like losing one from the family...We can only be thankful for the time they have been together with us and remember the good memories left behind...
  • Andrea Sagawe 17/02/2012 10:26

    Always hard to let a good old friend go, but it was his time and I'm sure he had a wonderful life. Look forward to the times you can remember him with a smile on your face.

  • Adele D. Oliver 16/02/2012 21:44

    I am so sorry you lost your beautiful friend, Matthias ... you will keep him forever in your heart .... and this tribute to him is very moving !!!!
  • s. sabine krause 16/02/2012 17:18

    i'm sorry for your loss! but what a beautiful tribute to your faithful friend! love the low point of view you chose for this picture – it makes him look somewhat dreamily heroic. and the curly fur just above his collar is so cute! looks a little as though he were wearing a turtleneck! ; )) greetings, sabine. p.s.: it's suddenly started to pour over here, and i think it might be due to the fact that your chicken-loving dog is pantingly chasing winged angels across the clouds of heaven, making them burst and drown us in rain… ; )))
  • Klaus Kieslich 16/02/2012 16:56

    Gruß Klaus
  • † cathy Blatt 16/02/2012 16:34

    I am so sorry and feel with and for you, one feels so terribly helpless when they go.I have lost a few friends that way! Their selfless love always fills me with humility
    and the only thing that helped my grief was always the realization that it was a great gift that they chose to spend some time with me. Regards,cathy
  • Ilse Jentzsch 16/02/2012 16:21

    Du setzt Deinem Freund mit dem Foto und dem Text ein wunderbares Denkmal.
    Mein Mitgefühl!