961 1

Pan Dora

Free Account, Essen


Freedom isn't a one-night stand with a sad stranger in a cheap hotel, drowning out memories with wine and the feel of another's misery. Freedom is all being alone and coming face to face with yourself and not turning away; freedom ist swimming naked and exulting in a cold river at down; and it's just you, just you and no one left to help you and hold you and ward off harm. And you know that this dark clarity isn't happiness or unhappiness, it's something different from everything you've ever felt before.

Nicci Gerard: Solace

Comentarios 1

  • Julia Sabalat 25/04/2006 12:40

    Also ich finds schön, wirkt irgendwie unwirklich durch das sw - irgendwie könnte das auch eine Jugendstilskulptur sein ... schön