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Harbour reflections

Harbour reflections

3.480 10

Graham Piggot

Free Account, Fife, Scotland

Harbour reflections

Crail Harbour, East Neuk of Fife, Scotland, UK

Comentarios 10

  • Pippilotta09 02/09/2009 22:31

    Oh Graham, that is fantastic!!! The reflections remind me of a painting. Very beautiful shot!
    and rgds from Hamburg, Germany
  • Mick K. 08/03/2009 21:04

    Vibrant and idyllic.
    I like the perspective and colours.

    cheers, mick
  • John R Duckett 08/03/2009 16:54

    I love the vibrancy of the colours.
  • adriana lissandrini 01/03/2009 22:40

    Wonderful reflections and colours, a very serene picture!
    best wishes Adriana
  • Felix D. Oropeza J. 22/02/2009 19:50

    muy bonito el reflejo. . .parece una acuarela por debajo
  • Kombizz Kashani 17/02/2009 21:56

    Very nice colorful capture with beautiful reflection

  • Brian Cathie 13/02/2009 18:18

    Super image Graham
    Colours are vibrant, wonderful light in this shot
    I hope to get to your area this year as there are so many great photo oppotunities!

  • apopida 13/02/2009 7:19

    nice place! I like the colours and reflection!

    apopida (my name is my webpage .com, visit it!)
  • Kaith Kakavouli 13/02/2009 7:17

    artistic, peaceful
  • Adele D. Oliver 13/02/2009 3:03

    Beautiful reflections, light and colours - a lovely place. Check the bottom left corner, Graham.
    best wishes, Adele