4.375 25

Anwer Sher

Free Account, Dubai

Comentarios 25

  • Margrit Kehl 18/06/2010 13:48

    Ein wunderschönes Bild,grossartig,wow....Kompliment :))
    Es ist eine Insperation für meine Malerei !
    Liebe Grüsse
  • Corinna Bosien 15/03/2010 14:44

    Ein bildschöner Araber!
    LG Corinna
  • Armin Leitner 27/06/2009 23:37

    Excellent shot.
    Best regards, from Armin
  • Anja Lohneisen 21/02/2009 9:13

    Simply great that view back over the shoulder :-)
  • Karin Ka. 18/02/2009 21:23

    Fantastisch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    VG Karin
  • Moni Walkenhorst 18/02/2009 8:45

    Is it a mare?
    It looks so fragile. Your personal style of photography gives her a divine glance.
    I am impressed of the progressive development of your photographic competence during the time I have the pleasure to know you, Anwer.

    Kisses, Moni
  • Double A 18/02/2009 1:32

    Looking very good. Fine composition and colors.
  • Lucia BaHa. 17/02/2009 22:27

    waht a beautiful horse
  • PixFilez 17/02/2009 18:27

    just a dream
    i like your pictures
    so much
  • Uta H. 17/02/2009 18:02

    Ein wunderschönes und sehr edles Pferd, Anwer, das Du bestens in Szene gesetzt hast. Dies sind Pferde, die mich immer wieder in ihren Bann ziehen ...
    LG Uta
  • Petra.Schulz 17/02/2009 17:34

    Very white the horse, looks like snow. Beautiful!
    LG Petra
  • Nadja Wilk 17/02/2009 16:25

    thats quite nice! Like the contrast between the redish background and the white horse. it would have been a lot better though if one could see the muzzle ;)
  • Birgit Simone 17/02/2009 14:40

    Very beautiful horse and great picture!
    Best wishes Birgit
  • Martina Wrede 17/02/2009 14:02

    Beautiful picture. Very professional presentation!
    Greetings from Germany
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 17/02/2009 11:25

    perfekt und sehr schön Aufnahme.
    LG Vitoria