1.555 7

Comentarios 7

  • drea . 29/01/2007 21:15

    unreal, but i like the perspective
    bye, Andrea
  • axel.s 26/01/2007 21:56

    Well, I guess I like this movie! Cool...
  • La Imagen 26/01/2007 19:27

    buena buena ...


  • philippa. 26/01/2007 9:12

    Like a movie scene... good! :-)
  • Diego González Sanz 26/01/2007 0:53

    yep, actually u 2 are right,thiis a lil bit of strange pic, the aberration ( the blue stuff on the edges) is not 3d ! hehe but is because of the lenses. mhh, i just found it a lil bit strange after retouch it and uploaded it. It gave me the feeling as if it was taken from a movie.
  • Paul Riener 26/01/2007 0:24

    parece como un imagen de 3d...visto sin gafas de 3d :)

    barba guay, tio :)
  • Viki Hae 26/01/2007 0:21

    mh i like the picture. but something is strange. i don´t know what it is.mhhh..