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I Finally Have a few Flowers Beginning to Bud......

I Finally Have a few Flowers Beginning to Bud......

2.886 10

Dennis Maloney

Free Account, searcy, Arkansas

I Finally Have a few Flowers Beginning to Bud......

......a little wild patch of daffodils in the front yard just popped up in the last few days, I was so excited I had to break-out the 180mm macro lens, I also see after posting it there is a little crab spider on the bud..... a tune from Louis Armstrong, "it's a wonderful world"

Thanks for the clicks and comments are deeply appreciated......

Comentarios 10

  • † Ushie Farkas 18/03/2015 5:01

    AMAZING, Den!!! I like it so much! Hugs
  • Mirjam Burer 17/03/2015 14:42

    great macro capture Den...!
    so spring is there where you live as well now...
    Hopeful season and compliments for this image..
  • Adele D. Oliver 16/03/2015 18:40

    so lovely to see the bud with its tiny visitor in the
    sunlight and to know it will soon be open in all its
    glory ... beautiful your macro shot !!!
    a hug, Adele
  • Wolfgang Weninger 16/03/2015 15:20

    make another shot especially to the crab spider :-) I like those spiders when scarying the ladies *g*
    Servus, Wolfgang
  • archiek 16/03/2015 13:43

    The spider is scouting out his territory. Once the flower opens he will wait for a pollinator and grab them for a nice meal. Good shot and with spring now a week away, you will not have to wait long for the garden to be in full bloom.
  • Lila 16/03/2015 11:11

    with spider ... beautiful photo !!!
    L.G. Lila
  • Harold Thompson 16/03/2015 9:47

    Daffodils buds getting ready to burst forth and add colour to the garden god etail ed close up with the bonus of the spider
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 16/03/2015 8:34

    It seems like only a few days ago that Bee was telling me about the ice and snow...... and now you are seeing flowers sprouting up everywhere........
    A lovely close up of the Daffodil bud and the bonus of that spider.

  • Mauro Tomassetti 16/03/2015 7:28

    Great light control and wonderful photo!
    Regards Mauro
  • Peter van der Houwen 16/03/2015 7:21

    Splendid macro shot, nice to capture this small visitor at the same time!