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  • FA_3G_plus_0 08/05/2022 22:37

    Nessuna noia Cris! Un messaggio forte ed intenso da una artista bravissima! Ciao.Stefania
  • luisa.gallisay 08/05/2022 15:50

    Mi piace molto la tua comunicazione visiva. E' incisiva ed ha forza nel trasmettere il messaggio che, ogni volta, decidi di esprimere.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 08/05/2022 20:34

      Grazie Luisa, mi fa molto piacere questo tuo commento.
      Io ce la sto mettendo tutta per non annoiare col continuo riproporre sempre lo stesso tema.
      Speriamo che si risolva... Peace & Love,  CIAo!
    • lucy franco 08/05/2022 21:54

      La noia è ben lontana da queste rappresentazioni forti e eloquenti.
  • Ansgar Leuthner 08/05/2022 15:27

    ..very fine and strong work...are they members of a ballett? It looks like...But still there are too little....What disappointed me at most in the last time, was the fact, that our "green" politicians who fighted for peace and disarmament and things like that nearly from one day to the next forgot about all of their past politics and now they are trying to force the people to war....I'd like to slap them in their faces all day long...Ciao, mia cara sorella - love & peace! Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 08/05/2022 20:24

      What a bitterness to read this, even in Italy the governance trend is to propose white and then decide black. I hate this total demonization of Russia in order to hit Putin and his entourage just as the total sanctification of Ukraine, just because it is the attacked Country. I do not believe everything that is told...The trouble is that now you have to adapt to the common thought, they do not allow you to have an idea of your own, you must sing in the choir. In Europe there is no more freedom of thought...
      Enough, I’ll stop here or I’ll be lebeled as pro-Putin, which is not true!
      The photo is taken from a contemporary dance recital.
      Love & Peace my Brother,  CIAo!
    • Ansgar Leuthner 08/05/2022 21:20

      ..I take you in my arms, you're my one and only sister - I love you!
  • Robert L. Roux 08/05/2022 9:59

    yes, there are men calling for peace, too 
    le immagini e il video musicale sono 'awesome'!
    • ann mari cris aschieri 08/05/2022 20:29

      Yes, but It seems like nobody gives a shit...
      Sting hit the jackpot with this song back in vogue.
      CIAo, thanks for your attention to my work.  Peace & Love
    • Robert L. Roux 09/05/2022 4:42

      people do care, carissima, but you seem to be the only one saying anything about it - and every time i look at one of your anti-war pictures i feel nothing but guilt for simply being an invisible part of the silent majority. pace e amore.