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Jazz Accordion #4 (reloaded)

Jazz Accordion #4 (reloaded)

3.623 7

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

Jazz Accordion #4 (reloaded)

Just a try to let colors express the mood ....
(Manfred Leuchter)

Comentarios 7

  • alev red 03/03/2010 3:49

    Mich fasziniert der schwarze Keil des Blasebalgs und der schulterlose Hals. Am Ende besteht das Bild aus lauter Versatzstücken mit lauter schwarzen Löchern/Flächen drin. Mit soviel dunkelm Nichts und dem feingezeichneten und strukturiertem Licht ist dieses Bild eine gelungene Komposition.

  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 05/01/2010 20:24

    L'inquadratura ottima, l'elaborazione perfetta, un scatto fantastico davvero, tutti i miei complimenti sinceri Brthold, un grosso saluto cordiale...Emir
  • Dragomir Vukovic 23/12/2009 20:34

  • Alexandru Valentin Iedu 20/12/2009 22:15

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...
    Let's hope that 2010 will be like we dream ...

    All the best for you and for your family,
    Your sincerely,
  • Adele D. Oliver 17/12/2009 3:14

    Compliments .... an excellent image and editing work with these colours against the black BG.
    cheers, Adele
  • Michael Grotkamp 16/12/2009 11:40

    fitting/adäquat to thematic this stylistic performance !
    superbe mood language, top result.

  • Maria João Arcanjo 16/12/2009 11:21

    This is a theme that I really like. I recently had an exihibition just on acordeon players as result of a work I have done last year. You made a different approach to it.Congrats.
