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Just a walk in the Peak District

Just a walk in the Peak District

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Just a walk in the Peak District

Nikon D60 26mm F5.6 1/16 Centre weight ISO200
Taken today, a walk in the Derbyshire Peak District at Dovedale.

Comentarios 11

  • Halvorsen 16/02/2009 11:54

    A lovely picture of a lovely place :-))
    Love the green colors at the trees, and the white snow ;-))) Well done!
  • Pascal Viyer 12/02/2009 19:09

    I love your destination, it represents to me the pure happiness, the second breath. I take it for my favorite, please :o)
    amitié, Lynn
  • Andrej Nagode 08/02/2009 17:26

    Very nice and peaceful place.
  • Véronique Soulier 08/02/2009 16:43

    nice place fo a walk, a bit cold but I like winter mood, bye VS
  • Werner R. Albert 08/02/2009 10:09

    A calm winter scene, very lovely, Lynn.
    Well done.
    (I can see a bird on the tree in front,or am I wrong?)
    best wishes
  • Rob Brydon 07/02/2009 23:21

    Almost a fairy tale scene for me. My eye was drawn to the snow up against the base of the tree in the foreground. Well done that girl.....cheers..Moi
  • Marian1712 07/02/2009 23:12

  • BRYAN CRUTE 07/02/2009 22:31

    Very well composed shot, lovely landscape work

  • Fons van Swaal 07/02/2009 21:58

    Nice place to walk around , well captured Lynn...;-))
    Do I see two birds in the distance.....;-)))))
  • Mark Billiau. 07/02/2009 21:33

    Seems to be a lovely place to take a break or make a walk.
    Good capture of the landscape in a well composed way.

  • Deryck 07/02/2009 21:07

    Wow Lynn. This is beautiful. Like a painting with the green moss on the trees. Wonderful shot and very well composed