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Kasbah in Rabat , Kingdom of Morocco

Kasbah in Rabat , Kingdom of Morocco

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Kasbah in Rabat , Kingdom of Morocco

A kasbah, is a unique kind of medina, Islamic city, or fortress. It was the place for the local leader to live and as a defense when the city was under attack. A kasbah has high walls which usually have no windows. Sometimes, they were built on the top of hill to make them easier to defend. Some of them were also placed near the entrance of harbors.

Comentarios 2

  • Andreas Joseph 03/07/2008 21:37

    very nice picture ... tonemapping & (fake) hdr? ... the cars and the trash cans are a bit disturbing to the atmosphere ... the two women in the front are great ... regards, andreas

  • Stefanie Berger 16/06/2008 16:27

    a very colourful pic.
    i like it a lot.