21.999 69


Free Account, Herford

King Park

They could've kicked in the door but knew the gun was still with him,
One he'd already used and so they feared what he'd do.
I floated up through the window of a room to the West.
I hovered out to the hallway, tried to listen in.
I heard them trying to reason, get him to open the door.
His uncle begging and pleading, half-collapsed to the floor.
He preached of hope and forgiveness,
Said, 'There is always a chance to rectify what you've taken, make your peace in the world.'
I thought to slip through the door, I could've entered the room,
I felt the burden of murder, it shook the earth to the core.
Felt like the world was collapsing. Then we heard him speak,
'Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?
Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?
Can I ever be forgiven cause I killed that kid?
It was an accident I swear it wasn't meant for him!
And if I turn it on me, if I even it out, can I still get in or will they send me to hell?
Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?'
I left the hotel behind, don't want to know how it ends.

Comentarios 69


Carpeta People
Vistas 21.999


Cámara Canon EOS 700D
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 1.4
Tiempo de exposición 1/2000
Distancia focal 50.0 mm
ISO 200

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