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La Bienal apesta....

La Bienal apesta....

3.756 3

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

La Bienal apesta....

El graffiti diu: La Biennal fa pudor de merda de cavall.
Cal explicar que la Biennal és un certamen artístic creat per l'ajuntament de València, amb criteris més polítics que artístics. Per això és bastant rebutjat pels ambients culturals locals.

The graffiti says:The Biennial stinks to shit of horse.
It is necessary to explain that the Biennial is an artistic contest created by the town council of Valencia, with criteria more political than artistic. Because of that, it is quite rejected by the local cultural environments.

Comentarios 3

  • Cees Kuijs 27/01/2006 17:43

    Good timing, Josep. And I think that they are right : politics stinks :-))
    Greetings, Cees
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 27/01/2006 8:41

    i dont think that Grafitti is good for the inviroment but if it is really good and aloud by the council i think that is allright.
    great colours and movement by the passing people.
    but when somebody ruins it by youthful ingorance its a shame
    great work
    jaime :)
  • PINDORIUS 26/01/2006 20:09

    crítica de carrer.
    be, jo crec que la pots contrastar una mica i els colors tidràn mes força (encara que estarà una mica mes fosca)