3.603 3

Jose Luis Romero

Free Account, MALAGA

La Playa de Xago

Esta playa es una preciosidad. Situada en el concejo de Gozón- Asturias.

Comentarios 3

  • sandra luz 08/10/2012 21:35

  • sandra luz 08/10/2012 21:34

  • Michael11 Schmidt 08/06/2008 12:32

    Hello Jose!

    I try it in English to write something to your photo. I hope it's ok for you, because I have some point at your photot ist looks not so good for me.

    I see you are a new member of the FC. So at first - Welcome to here!

    A point that make your photo looks not so good is the horizon is not straight. The allocation is not so advantage and the white box in the middle dominates the green area.

    I whis you a nice Sunday an a good time here at the FC.

    Greetings from Germany