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Let me be your fantasy

Let me be your fantasy

1.536 8

JLe Works

Free Account, DEL

Let me be your fantasy

Mobile Studio, Leipzig (Germany), Model: Franziska.
Made with analogous equipment. Agfa daylight slide film 100 ASA.
Minolta Dynax 9 body with Tokina ATX 28 to 70mm (2,6-2,8) zoom-lens.
T: 1/60s F: 8,0

© 2005 by MA-TVPro

The same session:

Comentarios 8

  • JLe Works 25/07/2005 15:10

    @Robert: It´s a pleasure for me if you like the effect.
    Best regards, John
  • Robert Riley 21/07/2005 16:35

    I like the grainy effect
  • JLe Works 17/06/2005 21:55

    @ De Niro:...und hoffentlich immer öfter...,floskel! :-)
    Viele Grüsse, John
  • De Niro 17/06/2005 20:00

    huiii…ja john das hast du :-))
    g deNiro
  • JLe Works 16/06/2005 22:02

    Hi Corinna, na dann hab ich ja mal was richtig gemacht.;-)
    Vielen Dank und liebe Grüsse,
  • Co P. 16/06/2005 21:16

    das gefällt mir ohne wenn und aber :-)
  • JLe Works 16/06/2005 18:54

    Hi Razvan I., the strong grain is made by the post-production. The original image is a colour-slide.
    Thanks for your pleasant comment.
    Best wishes and regards,
  • Razvan I. 16/06/2005 13:47

    the photo is very good.
    but i have a question: if you used a 100 film, why does it have a kind of grain. i hope i made myself clear...