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Little girl selling cambodian scarfs

Little girl selling cambodian scarfs

2.090 10

Marietta Amarcord

Free Account, Calabria

Comentarios 10

  • Dusan B. Hadnadjev 23/04/2005 17:52

    Very good, very good work!!

  • Fernand A. 19/02/2005 13:03

    Great one Marietta. Her smile is very beautiful.
    I would have crop the arm too and so crop also something on the left.
  • Mojgan Soghraty 19/02/2005 12:28

    Very nice and meaningful photo!
    I like the look in her eyes and her smile so much!
  • Anastasya I. 18/02/2005 15:33 poor girl.....
    We have been to there no long before, so deep feeling about this picture.
    Compared to the livings we have, they are much more of misery.
  • JVision 17/02/2005 13:09

    that's really a fantastic photo!!
  • Mojgan Soghraty 17/02/2005 12:50

    Very nice photo!
    This nice girl and her look impressed me so much
  • Marietta Amarcord 17/02/2005 12:11

    Thank Kanat for your comment and your suggestion:I didn't crop the arm just because has the same color of the scarfs, I thought it could be like a trait'd'union to the rest of the world
  • Anastasya I. 17/02/2005 10:54

    Very charming girl, excellent work!
    I like this image very much. :)

    LG Nicolà
  • Kanat YILMAZ 17/02/2005 10:10

    Good work. Your subject is so sweet and your work is impressive. Maybe you would consider cropping that arm(I think it is somebody's arm). Just my opinion. Nicely choosen depth of field. Thanks...
  • Irina No 17/02/2005 10:02

    great work!