2.016 3


Free Account, Istanbul

Comentarios 3

  • Sarah D. Kiefer 09/04/2007 7:57

    perfect atmosphere. it feels cold and wet, there's no place to sit and chat over coffee bc everyone is staying inside. this says "autumn" to me very clearly (it's how it is where i live in autumn. looks and feels exactly like this). only thing is the bench in the foreground lost its legs in the crop. maybe a little wider and more room at the bottom will give the benches and tree trunks room to breathe and effectively fill the space. otherwise, beautiful and sullen mood that makes me want to run home get warm.
  • Andrew Adams 01/03/2007 1:36

    Nice capture ! : ) Good perspective...
  • DRAGA PUC 31/01/2007 17:09

    very strong story and nice colour