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Lonely but brave duckling

Lonely but brave duckling

13.402 34

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Lonely but brave duckling

The duckling of a mallard is precocious which means that it leaves the nest pretty soon after hatching.
It can immediately swim and feed independently on insects, seeds and plants.

Most of the ducklings stay always near their mother for protection, but not this specimen that I shot.
It was only 1 or 2 days old, so small, so delicate, but oh so brave, it was exploring the lake far away from its mom.
Dangerous, because grey herons were in the neighbourhood.....

Dutch name : Wilde eend
German name : Stockente
Latin name : Anas platyrhynchos

Comentarios 34

  • RENARAM 09/05/2016 15:58

    Gefällt mir sehr, besonders auch mit der Spiegelung LG Renate
  • NaturPur22 30/04/2016 23:47

    So kleine Tiere sind einfach herrlich ...wunderschöne Aufnahme! LG Angelika
  • Brigitte Hoffmann 30/04/2016 17:23

    Total niedlich! Ein entzückendes Bild ist das, Mark!
    Salut Brigitte
  • Günter Nau 27/04/2016 12:20

    Ganz wundervoll das kleine Entenküken.
    Grüße Günter
  • aline64 26/04/2016 10:38

    joli shoot de ce petit caneton
  • Rudolf Averbeck 25/04/2016 9:43

    Eine super Aufnahme in perfekter Schärfe bis in die Spiegelung hinein.
    Liebe Grüße
    und Dir eine gute Woche.
  • s. sabine krause 23/04/2016 13:29

    absolutely ADORABLE! but before i write this, let me tell you that i will definitely be overinterpreting, and gladly so! ; ) the eye of the little pond conquistador*: so innocent and so worldy-wise at the same time! love how even though his eye is brown, its innocence seems to be reflected by the sky-blue water surrounding him! now brace yourself, little one, for the dangers and injustices of this world, and stay away from the gray heron that, in your part of it, is its symbol! ; ) greetings, sabine.
    *a fearless zorro at heart! (note the mask!) ;)
  • Angelika El. 21/04/2016 11:46

    Ach, Tierkinder sind doch immer wieder was ganz Besonderes!!!!
    Die Spiegelung, die Schärfe, Farben und Licht - hier stimmt einfach alles!

    LG! a.

  • Pierre LAVILLE 21/04/2016 8:30

    Adorable !!!!
  • catweazle99-Tierfotografie 21/04/2016 6:56

    eine klasse Aufnahme in besten Farben, klasse die Spiegelung
    lg K.-Heinz
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 21/04/2016 0:46

    Eine wunderbare Präsentation.
    Gefällt mir.
    LG Vitoria
  • adriana lissandrini 20/04/2016 21:57

    I hope he's safe! What a delight! very nice shooting, color, light, sharpness, and excellent reflexes

  • mirko meloni 20/04/2016 21:42

    a tender image. I hope that is not all. Excellent sharpness and shooting
  • Adele D. Oliver 20/04/2016 21:39

    he is adorable and seems to be looking right at you .... a well composed and lit image, beautiful \!!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Anita Jarzombek-Krauledies 20/04/2016 21:31

    Eine zauberhafte Präsentation!!!! Wunderbar mit der Spiegelung!
    Viele Grüße Anita