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lonely sinking feeling

lonely sinking feeling

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lonely sinking feeling

She says, "I'm getting that lonely sinking feeling,
you know what I mean?"
With his hand on her back he's thinking,
"Where does that leave me?"
"Just when I think I've uncovered the secret
to peace and tranquility
that lonely sinking feeling creeps up on me."
He says, "I'm seeing those doubt filled
questioning eyes
and I can't believe it's true."
With her head in her hands she sighs,
"It's me, not you."
"Just when I thought that I'd discovered the joy
of loving one so completely
that lonely sinking feeling creeps up on me."
Here in this silent room we wait on ancient ritual.
Staring at our hearts
as if they were two caged animals.
If I am the first to unlock those rusty doors
will I be the first found bleeding on the floor?
She says, "I'm getting that lonely sinking feeling,
you know what I mean?"
With his hand on her back he's thinking,
"Where does that leave me?"
"Just when I think I've uncovered the secret
to peace and tranquility
that lonely sinking feeling creeps up on me.
Just when I thought that I'd discovered the joy
of loving one so completely
that lonely sinking feeling creeps up on me.
that lonely sinking feeling creeps up on me."

[Cowboy Junkies]

Comentarios 5

  • Wolfgang Weninger 04/05/2005 18:49

    auch ohne Farben sehr beeindruckend :-)
    lg wolfgang
  • annegret burtscher 04/05/2005 17:11

    @ caro: hab ich mit meiner canon eos 500 n und normalobjektiv 20-80 mm aufgenommen und war grad an der grenze, dass ich es noch scharf wurde. wirklich geplant war es nicht, aber wohl auch etwas mehr als ein schnappschuss. hab mir dann schlussendlich doch etwas länger zeit nehmen müssen, um das so hinzukriegen.
    lg, anna
  • JH S 04/05/2005 15:33

    Sehr gut... gelungene Bildkomposition...
  • Jessylee Photographie 04/05/2005 11:02

    ..super schön*..und nicht nur weil ich SchwarzWeiss Fotografie mag :)
    Liebe Grüsse..jessylee..
  • Sie kann fliegen 04/05/2005 10:07

    ui..das find ich wunderschön!