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Looking towards Lough Tay

Looking towards Lough Tay

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Looking towards Lough Tay

Lough Tay is a small but scenic lake set in the Wicklow Mountains in County Wicklow, Ireland. It lies between the mountains of Djouce and Luggala, and is most easily viewed from above, from the R759 or the Wicklow Way as it descends past the J. B. Malone memorial. It is fed by the Cloghoge River, which then drains into Lough Dan to the south.

Comentarios 4

  • Gasser Lisbeth 06/11/2010 19:41

    C'est MAGNIFIQUE, très belle composition !
    Amitiés, Lisbeth
  • Anke Gehlhaar 25/10/2010 10:57

    Der dunkle Himmel bringt die Farben hell zum Leuchten. Eine wunderbare weite Sicht in diese irdene Herbstlandschaft. Der Blick kann den Fluss begleiten von der Mündung bis in das ferne Tal.
  • vjdj 17/09/2010 14:47

    Beautiful!!! Greetings, vj
  • Milos Cetkovic 17/09/2010 12:19

    Wow what a nice landscape. Beautiful colors