2.344 22

Saska S.

Free Account, Vrhnika


Title by lovely model
Thank you for all your recent comments

Comentarios 22

  • Andrej Poljanec 21/07/2009 21:29

    Superb light! Additional + for vivid colours of the foreground flowers and background leaves.

    Regards, Andrej
  • RobeRies 21/07/2009 18:36

    A vary good Portrait.

    LG Robert
  • Heidi Bollich 19/07/2009 23:07

    Beautiful portrait! Great job!
    Greetings Heidi
  • Jürgen Kalkenbrenner 19/07/2009 18:40

    Nice pic, nice boy

    Regards, Jürgen
  • Andreas Beier Fotografie 19/07/2009 12:24

    kurz und knapp : KLASSE
  • DRAGA PUC 18/07/2009 10:19

    men pa ni...
    pozdravi simpaticnega bratranca. Fine pic, cute kid.
  • Claudia Streck 16/07/2009 20:34

    Ein wunderschönes Portrait.Toller Ausdruck.
  • Deryck 14/07/2009 21:41

    Whata stunning portrait ogf this young man. well captured
  • Alvaro Monnetti 14/07/2009 19:13

    Che simpaticonr questo giovane virgulto
    di una nuova vita. Può essere soddisfatto
    del bellissimo rittratto che gli hai realizato.
    Ciao, Alvaro.
  • Andreas_Napravnik 14/07/2009 17:34

    Klasse Porträt und Schnitt.
    Gefällt mir sehr gut.
    LG Andreas
  • RobeRies 14/07/2009 17:33

    A vary nice Portrait.

    Ein sehr schönes Portrait.

    LG Robert
  • Andrej Nagode 14/07/2009 14:55

    Very nice portrait of a youngster.
    Good light. I like the flowers in the forground.
    Well done.
  • Claudio Micheli 14/07/2009 12:54

    Bellissimo!...piacevole ritratto, anche molro spontaneo...e belli i colori.
  • s. sabine krause 14/07/2009 9:21

    you do see beautiful men, saska (if i'm getting the title right here ; )))! i think i've said this before, but i just love your child portraits! this one's very piraty ; ))! jekyll and hyde – one pirate with a friendly smile, the other with a spooky smirk and an eye patch… ; ))! great with the sunny flowers in the foreground, too! greetings, sabine.
  • Josef Kainz 14/07/2009 8:23

    Schönes Kinderportrait
    lg. josef