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Mi amor amplificado,.....

Mi amor amplificado,.....

2.686 12

Mi amor amplificado,.....

...and so I would like to introduce to my buddies our latest addition to our family, Diego Andres Luis. I know some have wondered what had happened to me,..We have been quite busy taking care of this little one along with his older brother Matthew ( who is now 16 months old )

As to myself,..well I post this lasts images to bid my farewell from the my really good friends that I have truly enjoyed meeting from the first time I joined I give you a great big thank you and a big hug for the inspiration to continue on.

Adios amigos y amigas,

muchos besos y abrazos.



Just to make it clear, my leaving is not due to anything uncomfortable here in the community,..I dear love this site ( an let it be known its the only one I belong to,..I checked some others out sometime back and none came to caliber of this one,...MY HAT GOES OUT TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND ITS OWNERS!!


Comentarios 12

  • Robert L. Roux 24/02/2007 17:07

    hola diego -
    welcome to paraíso ... ;-))
    your friend - robert
    and congratulations
    to the rest of the family!
  • Jo Ma 02/02/2007 21:54

    Hey Raul! Congratulations!!! He is georgeous. Did you get my Quick Message?

    All the best, Hanne
  • Inez Correia Marques 19/01/2007 11:35

    Oh Raul! it has been so long .
    Congretulations and lots fo joy for all of you .
  • JVision 04/01/2007 20:43

    Congratulations Raul. Very beautiful collage.
  • Dennis Veldman 03/01/2007 23:08

    ciao bello!
    All the best
  • John Holmes 03/01/2007 21:07

    bueno suerte mi amigo. jh
  • M. Sommer 03/01/2007 20:15

    Hi Raul,

    congratulations to you, your wife, Matthew and Diego!!
    What a nice family!!

    It was so nice to have you here - farewell and take good care!!

    Best wishes from Germany,
    yours friend Michael
  • Susann Loessin 03/01/2007 20:10

  • Petra Sommerlad 03/01/2007 20:01

    Congratulations Raul and what a pity to see you leave..ihope you will find time one day to come back!!!! All the best to you and your little family!!! LGEPtra
  • Visiones de vida. 03/01/2007 19:45

    gracias Patty,....muchos besos y abrazos.

    thank you for your much inspiration,..thank you indeed!


    ..the same I wish for your Liz!

    and too, I thank you very much!

  • Liz Collet 03/01/2007 19:44

    heartly congratulations !!!!!
    and all the best for You and Your family !!
  • Patricia. F. 03/01/2007 19:44

    ohhh gratulation Raul.