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Middle Penninic Internal Massif

Middle Penninic Internal Massif

4.799 68

El Porte-Bonheur

Free Account, Torino

Middle Penninic Internal Massif

or simply a part of the Alps-Mediterranean after sundown, taken from ' La Morra' Piemonte.

Comentarios 68

  • Heinz Koch (Heini) 16/12/2013 20:32

    Great work / picture(s). Congratulations!
    Best wishes
  • María de la Rosa 26/04/2013 19:24

    me gusta
  • giovannimontesi53 23/02/2013 22:24

    Bellissima scomposizione di piani, complimenti Giovanni.
  • Armin Leitner 28/01/2013 23:51

    This pic does not need any explanation.
    It is breathtaking, beautiful and perfect.
    Great respects,
  • ClaudioBosco 05/01/2013 11:17

    straordinaria la sequenza di piani!
  • Magdalenia 29/12/2012 19:41

    Une petit merveille visuelle.
    Toute la beauté très esthétique de la Nature parfaitement captée !
  • MAURIZIO GAETANO 29/12/2012 11:56

    Bellissime tonalita,ottime le quinte create dalle montagne.
    Sempre bello il Piemonte,che io conosco bene dalle Liguri alle Cozie,avendo salito le piu belle cime.
    Ciao e complimenti.
  • Herbinaux Daniel 13/12/2012 18:37

    Spendides ces successions de lignes de crête... enveloppées dans un ciel admirablement coloré dans des tons chauds et doux
  • DRAGA PUC 09/12/2012 23:03

    superb!!! artistic!
  • Anca Silvia B. 08/12/2012 21:00

    o fotografie superba,cu sau fara steluta,te imbratisez
  • s. sabine krause 08/12/2012 12:05

    oh wow, this is so uniquely beautiful, el! don't know how i could have missed it before but apparently i did… the colors, those layers of blue and the yellow of the sundown sky, look almost "too good to be true", as though the world or its creator wanted to show us what it/he is capable of and what its/his archetypal colors really are, how powerfully they can work together, for looking at this strikingly modern mountain view, i see and perceive blue and yellow and immediately, automatically, think… GREEN! ; ) greetings, sabine. p.s.: it should be in the gallery, as it needs something as daringly different as this, to complement its collection of beautiful but conventional postcard moutnain views…
  • El Porte-Bonheur 07/12/2012 23:17

    Thank you to all pro and con voters for supporting or at least having a look at this one.
  • Adele D. Oliver 07/12/2012 18:36 Comentario de la votación

  • Jörg Klüber 07/12/2012 18:36 Comentario de la votación

  • KLAAS H 07/12/2012 18:36 Comentario de la votación



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