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mirror eye ball

eye in a mirror ball its freaky lol

Comentarios 2

  • Nelson G Schmunk 05/12/2008 19:28

    yes, very similar to mine... with the diference that in yours, the eye seem to be peeping, and in my pic there is almost a whole face (even fractionated). Nice work all of your pics... even when you think you r not a photographer, you re trying to express some thing through images, and that s what really matters...
    A big hug from Argentina!
    Nelson G Schmunk

  • Nelson G Schmunk 05/12/2008 19:28

    yes, very similar to mine... with the diference that in yours, the eye seem to be peeping, and in my pic there is almost a whole face (even fractionated). Nice work all of your pics... even when you think you r not a photographer, you re trying to express some thing through images, and that s what really matters...
    A big hug from Argentina!
    Nelson G Schmunk
