
..and we are watching you - WHO?
- This is done from a macro photography butterfly -
..and all of a sudden I saw - WOW - it looks like one or two angels in one - male and / or female united ..and in the background the KI and /or Aliens are watching / observing/ trying to analyse them...
But they can't figure out - because these magic nature s are too unique ;-)))
If I may tell you a little story to it of mine here too ...
This is what I was told already as a child very harshly unfortunately - you are always dreaming - you have too much phantasy ...so I learned that this seems to be something very bad / negative - and I should better stop showing up/talking - about me - my thoughts and ideas always popping up in my mind so very quickly. And so I did for a very long time.
But then veeery much later I read the quote from - Einstein - "Phantasy is something that many people can not even imagine."
Then lately I was fine with it ..;-)))
And again many years later my - HOLLYWOOD famous -writing coach told me the second day - I had the honour to meet him - it is a great god given gift - when one can adapt the reality - did you know that? And you have that.
Or what do you think where all the most amazing HOLLYWOOD & DISNEY Productions are coming from?
How we did King of the Lions - Titanic - Harry Potter - Blade Runner - Star Wars - etc. - etc. - etc. ...
And that's why you get a DIRECTOR' S COACHING from me.
And since that time I finally knew - okay - I seem to be quite okay - yes! ;-)))
So to conclude - if somebody calls you crazy or not normal I say today -
Just go - go - go for it - when you love what you do - as long as it makes you happy - you have that big smile on your face - no matter what people think or say - because may be this is exactly your best Asset.
Your very special unique way - to express etc. ..
and neither everybody must like nor understand you.

And - all of a sudden - it will be exactly your biggest success and / or dream come true!
Because you had the courage to stick to it - and the whole world will see and know about you/it.

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MONIQUE VIANNE desea expresamente feedback constructivo para esta fotografía. Ayúdalo con consejos sobre la composición de la imagen, la técnica, el lenguaje de la imagen, etc. (Por favor, ¡ten en cuenta el código de conducta!).