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Moth eaten butterfly

Moth eaten butterfly

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Moth eaten butterfly

I doubt it was a moth thats been chewing on this poor butterfly, its probably just old age!

Comentarios 5

  • Max13 03/05/2008 12:34

    Wonderful Macro from a Butterfly in beautiful colors LG max
  • archiek 04/04/2008 2:44

    Very nice detail and light. As fragile as the wings are this guy may have just hit it on something in flight. Lovely. -archie
  • Harry Hyndman 03/04/2008 19:34

    This is superb. So sharpe.
  • Dennis Maloney 03/04/2008 2:24

    Very nice close-up image of the butterfly that more then likely had a close encounter with a bird, this is typical of the damage done to them when a preditor bird attempts to catch them in flight......thanks for the share.......den
  • CsomorLászló 02/04/2008 9:41

    A great macro!
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