1.458 2

Moreno M

Free Account, Canberra

Mt. Puntiagudo 2

Mt. Puntiagud simmering on Lake Todos Los Santos.
For more photos, maps and travel stories please visit:
http://www.hotathrandom.com/Moreno005.html OR http://www.hotathrandom.com/

Comentarios 2

  • Moreno M 27/04/2006 10:54

    Thanks a lot Arvid,

    I made the trip in 2003 - my memory is a bit rusty - mixed it up with Osorno.

    Thanks for pointing out


  • Arvid Puschnig 27/04/2006 2:32

    Hello Moin!
    It's a marvelous picture with beautiful reflexions in the lake, but it's not the volcanoe Osorno, it's the Puntiagudo!
    Best Regards