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Murals in Wat Pa Daet

Murals in Wat Pa Daet

14.050 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

Murals in Wat Pa Daet

The murals on the walls inside the assembly hall were painted more than a hundred years ago with powder paints over primed cementand wood walls. The murals depict scenes from the life of the Buddha and Jataka tales such as Vessantara Jataka, Vidhura Panditta Jataka, Mahosadha Jataka and Canda Kumara Jataka. These mrals are very precious and valuable because not many of them have survived to the present day in northern Thailand.

Comentarios 2

  • Herbert Rulf 24/03/2022 0:58

    Wunderbare erzählende Malerei ! Das würde ich mir auch gerne mal in natura ansehen, ich habe mir schon ein paar Notizen gemacht. 
    Eine richtige Kostbarkeit. 
    LG, Herbert
  • Ralf Melchert 23/03/2022 8:35
