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Sepideh Q.

Free Account, Tehran


Recently my homeland is experiencing a critical economic and political status; while in 23 days, a new Persian year with all its colors and beauties is coming; and while we have an important Presidential Election ahead in about 3 months with all its tensions!!

My homeland, like all other countries, is a piece of our round ground! With different kinds of people, cultures, beliefs, religions, and ... . But I see that most of the people who did not experience it by themselves, and just The Governmental Media was enough for them, do not feel good about it!

A few days ago, I read a page that was so interesting to me; The visual story of a man from New York, to Iran! He's name is Brandon. The views from my country, of an American Eyes were so friendly and interesting which makes me conclude without hesitation, that : It's the governments who are not friendly to themselves and their and other countries people!!!!

I suggest you too have a look at Iran, from the eyes of a New Yorker ! :)

I thank Brandon for his sharp and realistic eyes ...

Viva All HUMANS Of All Nations Of Our Beautiful Planet!
May All Its People Always Be Friends And Peace Flow Everywhere ......

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.” CONFUCIUS

Comentarios 12

  • Ladislaus Hoffner 06/02/2014 10:42

    Nice monochrome Picture.
  • Simon Taal 04/10/2013 14:40

    Perfect picture!
  • Dieter K 22/08/2013 21:18

    I like your picture and the text beneath. It sounds poetical, but the key message is important. Inform yourself! Best wishes Dieter
  • Axilleas Pitsavas 30/04/2013 20:14

    Hey this photo is really beautifull! Well composed!!

    Best regards,
  • Yasmine Rafii 30/04/2013 7:09

    Dear Sepideh, I only spent a few years of my childhood in Iran, but my memories are still strong, Your photo is wonderful and I will look at the link you supplied. Most people in the world are good and kind. It is a minority that cause all the problems. Unfortunately, it is a minority with power.
  • Nati E. 28/02/2013 17:01

    Impressive.... the picture and the text!

    All the best to you -
  • Christian Bertero 27/02/2013 10:25

    Splendid message of peace, respect of other cultures and peoples. I agree totally 100 % !!!!!!

    Really happy to your come back. Have a nice time.
    Cordiale saluto dalla Sicily. Thank you very much for your visit and comment.
  • Vera Shulga 25/02/2013 15:59

    Nice panoramic overview together with crowns.
    The common people does not solve anything in the political games of the rulers ..
    Greetings, Vera
  • Alfred Schultz 25/02/2013 14:51

    In every country there are people who are not too happy with their government. - Some more, some less.
    The concerns of the ravens on your image are likely to be less serious.
    All the best to you and your homeland.
    Salam - A.
  • s. sabine krause 25/02/2013 10:38

    just clicked on the link you added and started to browse and read – great!! will need to go back again, spending some more time!! i agree with everything you say: it's the people and their attitudes that matter! one should always attempt to look beyond the propaganda of governmental saber-rattling and trust his own instincts! it's the only way to pulverize hate, prejudice, racism, bigotry and all those other paralyzing scourges of getting along! let's embrace difference and overcome! let's see it as a great challenge! let's not mistrust each other like famished crows waiting for a chance to rip each other apart ; ) – oops, sorry for the gruesome simile, but i'm trying to elegantly return to your beautiful picture here! ; )) love, how the crows are perched on their wire, overlooking the city and the mountains like a live garland! hugs, sabine.
  • Gisèle W. 25/02/2013 9:38

    Wonderful postcard of your town excellent with the birds.
    Yes you are absolutely right, all the trouble, wars in the world, it makes me sad.
    Many hugs, Gisèle
  • BRYAN CRUTE 25/02/2013 9:03

    This picture reminds me of the old Hitchcock movie the Birds !
    People never cause wars only governments.

    Thanks for link a very interesting link, looks an amazing place to visit so much history to see. The people he met seem to be genuinely friendly and helpful. Lets hope people power rules not Governments !!




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