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My sweet little friend

My sweet little friend

3.138 9

gert-olof nickel

Free Account, Älta

My sweet little friend

Long-tailed Tit taking cheese from my hand(self-portrait)

Comentarios 9

  • Christie 18/09/2019 20:11

    your photos are heartwarming.
  • gert-olof nickel 26/01/2016 20:28

    Thank you Johanna, I just put a bit of cheese in my hand and the little tit came and this continued the whole winter.
    Best regards
  • Johanna C. 26/01/2016 9:52

    A superb capture
    I don't know how you did that the tit comes and eat on your hand, but this is fantastic!
    Best regards, Johanna

    PS It's dammage that you don't publish many photo on FC...
  • Jürg Scherrer 25/02/2014 22:20

    Hallo Gert-Olof -
    that's an excellent capture.............. and also an excellent camouflage........
    Kindest regards.
  • Vera Shulga 06/02/2014 19:29

    wonderful photo
    nice scene, well captured
  • s. sabine krause 06/02/2014 10:30

    mistaking you for a maple tree, of course! ; )) so sweet and trusting, that beady-eyed little fellow! greetings, sabine.
  • Oleksii 06/02/2014 2:54

    Wow. I like this shot
  • Albrecht Klöckner 05/02/2014 23:42

    Hej Gert-Olof,
    so ein schönes Portrait von Dir mit der Pfannenstiel-Meise!
    I´ll store it as "favorite" in my fc-account!
    Best wishes to you and Maud from Margret and me
    LG Albecht


Carpeta Birds
Vistas 3.138


Cámara SLT-A77V
Objetivo Unknown (128) 120-400mm
Diafragma 8
Tiempo de exposición 1/400
Distancia focal 120.0 mm
ISO 1600