3.502 5

Charlotte Nadin

Free Account, Newport

Nature's Magic

Thanks to Carsten for his time and patiences yesterday helping us to get the lighting right.

We used a soft box lighting and the camera flash with the camera set on 1/50, f10, ISO 100, bias -2

Comentarios 5

  • Andrea Gürth 24/01/2007 12:33

    I like this B/W rose. Just a pitty you didn't get the entire leave too

    lg andrea
  • Doug Hough 22/11/2006 9:21

    Beautiful work, the black background really pops out the lovely rose. Very nice!
  • Doug Hough 22/11/2006 9:18

    Really beautiful work, the black background really pops out the lovely rose. Well done.
  • Tom McAlexander 21/11/2006 23:51

    A rose by any other name is...Nature's Magic. What an appropriate name.
  • Theo Weijmer 16/08/2006 11:58

    It worked out well, perfect lighting.
    Greetings Theo