Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Nostalgia in Celle

I have shown the colourful facades of Celle in Germany, but I also like the "time has stood still" feeling of sepia toning ...

Comentarios 35

  • Der NaturELL Beobachter 29/11/2022 7:20

    diese Perspektive gefällt mir noch besser, weil lebendiger!
  • Anke Egelseer 18/04/2019 1:30

    voller nostalgie.... ich mag es sehr.
    glg anke
  • Matthias Getto 17/04/2019 21:42

    Typical German half-timbered street.
    The picture held in sepia supports the feeling described by you.
    Best regards
  • Mirjam Burer 16/04/2019 10:27

    magnifique in these tones Adele..hugs
  • Helga Noll 15/04/2019 16:06

    Fachwerk, eine Baukunst vom Allerbesten.
    Liebe Grüße, Helga
  • Berthold Klammer 14/04/2019 20:33

    The B&W conversion works very good with the old woodframe facades. The sepia tone enhances the old facades...regards Berthold
  • Conny11 14/04/2019 20:04

    Eine herrlich nostalgische Aufnahme. sehr gut fotografiert und gezeigt.
    LG, dir einen guten Wochenstart Conny
  • Südgrat 14/04/2019 18:37

    great street and composition with intrigue atmosphere, well presented in sepia. warm regards Manfred
  • Frederick Mann 14/04/2019 18:31

    a feeling of time travel
  • hans-jakob 14/04/2019 18:30

    Gefällt mir sehr gut in dieser Bearbeitung!
    LG hans-jakob
  • † JYM59 14/04/2019 15:42

    Bon choix du sépia...........
  • Sabine Junge 14/04/2019 12:24

    Not very far from our home! ;-)
    Sepia-monochrom is the best decision to appreciate this old-fashioned half-timbered houses!
    This pic is full of atmosphere! You made it very well, dear Adele!
    Wish you a nice Sunday!
    Warm greetings, Sabine
  • AO67 14/04/2019 11:18

    ...cependant, l'emploi du sepia est quelque peu anachronique, vu la modernité de la rue et des façades toutes refaites.....mais cela reste evidemment de bonne facture Adèle....
  • SINA 14/04/2019 9:53

    Wunderbar stimmungsvoll und nostalgisch liebe Adele
  • Mark Billiau. 14/04/2019 9:00

    Beautiful architectural scene that fits very well the sepia presentation !


Carpeta Mono-Chrome
Vistas 28.363


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo 6.0 - 72.0 mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/200
Distancia focal 10.6 mm
ISO 75

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