5.056 24

Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

NY in the Rain II

Oil on Figueres Cardboard.
Nov. 2011

Browsing the fc very often offers wonderful works of art that inspire me to paint them, and there are two photos of New York that captured my attention and I asked the authors for permission to turn them into paintings.
So here's another NY city painting...

This is the second painting, based on Phonya's "rain 5th avenue"

rain 5th avenue
rain 5th avenue
, a wonderful take on this city.

Comentarios 24

  • Heidemarie 28/07/2015 18:51

    Klasse Foto von einer Straße meiner Lieblingsstadt "Big Apple". LG Heidemarie (über das Profil Deiner Schwester ANA kam ich zu Deiner Seite )
  • Conning02 27/10/2014 13:02

    Ein schönes Motiv und eine wunderbare Bearbeitung.
    LG Ingolf
  • nana-su 12/12/2012 9:56

    genial painting..wonderful art..Compliments..Su
  • Sanja Kosanovic 22/08/2012 14:32

    Well done.
  • Günter Has. 07/06/2012 20:48

    klasse Foto, gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut....
    New York ist auch bei Regen schön...
    LG Günter
  • José Ramón Miguel 25/03/2012 18:32

    Maravillosa atmósfera en la ciudad.
    Saludos. Ramón
  • Emilio Sirletti 15/03/2012 7:28

    El corte vertical, siguiendo la línea de rascacielos, junto a la neblina, da la imagen muy fascinación.
    Complimenti, Emilio
  • Bernhard Kuhlmann 28/02/2012 16:22

    Klasse, wie ein schönes Lesezeichen !
    Gruß bernd
  • s. sabine krause 16/02/2012 15:48

    this is just terrific, susana! new york in a nutshell – vertically beautiful – the city that never sleeps! – but in an almost dainty, oriental (the ornamental looking trees!) way! the empire state format ; )) is really special, and i just love the almost "juicy" (cherry and woodruff!) red and blue reflections of the traffic lights! greetings, sabine.
  • Fons van Swaal 09/02/2012 22:14

    WONDERFUL ART WORK Susana.....!!
  • Steve Ember 08/02/2012 18:18

    Very much like your interpretation of this atmospheric Fifth Avenue scene. The narrower p-o-v (compared to Phonya's original photo) works very well in drawing the eye through the rain reflections on the sidewalk and street toward the soaring art deco spire of the Empire State Building. You also added an attractive element not present in the original by including the reflections of the lamppost and pedestrian in the foreground.
  • eduard szattler 08/02/2012 13:00

    Tis is really perfect, the good composition in very good crop. Many thank´s you are voting me, and for your kind comment to
  • Andi Nemeth 06/02/2012 12:30

    Very artistic!:) Bravo!:)
  • Deryck 05/02/2012 13:57

    At first I thought it was a photograph, then I read your caption. It is stunning! I love the mood you were able to capture here
  • Canan Oner 04/02/2012 12:54

    You are a great artist Susana...
    This is just perfect ....My compliments...
    Have a nice weekend,


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