3.831 7


Free Account, Krakow

Open road

Go on! Take a walk...

Comentarios 7

  • mike snead 28/11/2009 10:46

    great capture.

    very atmospheric.



  • Milan Bystron 18/11/2009 5:56

    Nice photo
  • Andreas Joseph 16/11/2009 20:51

    what a great scenery ... wonderful
  • Ilidio Fernandes 15/11/2009 2:53

    Wonderful capture.
  • Surrealia 12/11/2009 23:06

    that's great
  • Mu Mu 05/11/2009 12:41

    artsalah said it all: quote :)
    apart from the gimp thing, to me the fog makes it mysterious in a good way. makes me want to walk and walk until the road ends and then jump into the woods.
    wonderful photograph
  • Artsalah 29/10/2009 9:19

    I love that kind of perespective and target (road). In this picture, with that lighting and fog looks marvelous ! I feel like something scarry would jump on me from that fog on the right ! Yeahhhh ( ...gimp ? ;]... ) ! Nicely done mate !
    /cheers Lucas