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...out of curiosity...

...out of curiosity...

1.752 5

Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

...out of curiosity...

...a look into a window may allow you finding little treasures ...

... or seeing a cook's most important instruments to do some magic in the kitchen and produce wonderful and nourishing food!

(and the curious photographer has been caught red-tat on the right hand side)

Falkland, Kingdome of Fife, Aug. 2012

Comentarios 5

  • DRAGA PUC 20/01/2013 8:08

    great cut!!!!
  • Lawson McCulloch 11/01/2013 20:08

    The window is such a natural frame for this shot, which has been well exposed.
    best wishes,
  • Gisela Aul 11/01/2013 15:01

    mag den Blick durch das Fenster
    lg. Gisela
  • BRYAN CRUTE 10/01/2013 20:21

    Excellent exposure to this wonders of this window

  • Stropp 10/01/2013 19:37

    Klasse! Das Innere kommt gut heraus bei dem Foto, ist gar nicht so einfach. Schön mit den Fenstersprossen in reinem Weiß.
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