Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Out of the Deep

The tail fluke of a humpback whale ...... I never dreamt I would come this close.
The humpback whale resides in the waters of Northern British Columbia in the Summer and migrates to the warm waters of Mexico and Hawaii to have its young. My son-in-law took us out in his small open boat , and I almost missed this shot when the whale was immediately infront of the boat. What excitement!!!!

Thank you so much for your many visits and comments for my Christmas and New years cards - and thank you for all your good wishes. Soon I will be back in Vancouver and be in FC regularly.

Comentarios 97

  • de ceulaer 13/08/2012 11:47

    very impressive !
    I have been in Argentina to see them and it was a great moment !
  • Nick Garas 12/03/2011 20:38

    very nice!
  • Oscar Hoogendoorn 21/01/2011 19:50

    Sorry Adele. But this is ...... In to the deep!
    A very nice photo!
  • jiannis77 14/01/2011 12:51

    amazing picthure!!! great lighting and moment...
  • Denis- 12/01/2011 14:58

    Quelle chance de pouvoir réaliser une telle prise de vue !
    ...Je suis en admiration..!
  • Hanns-Eberhard Grunert 11/01/2011 21:18

    Ein wunderbares Foto mit einer bestechenden Schärfe. Man muss innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auf einen Bildausschnitt, eine Entfernung und Bewegung reagieren, sehr gut gemacht. Weiter so.
    Mit lieben Grüßen
  • José Ramón Miguel 11/01/2011 13:40

    Imponente ese coletazo en el mar, el agua que cae da una gran brillantez y dinamismo a la imagen tan bella.
    Un abrazo. Ramón
  • Schoassblodern 11/01/2011 3:17

    Tremendously impressive - thx for sharing :)
  • Joëlle Millet 11/01/2011 0:57

    Un choix de cadrage vraiment génial . Amitiés . Joêlle
  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 10/01/2011 9:24

    Brava amica Adele, davvero una grande e attrazione scatto! Complimenti per i questo ottimo lavoro, un caro saluto...Emir
  • adriana lissandrini 09/01/2011 18:28

    majestic! difficult subject to photograph, congratulations Adele!
    Greetings, Adriana
  • Alfredo Yanez 09/01/2011 15:21

    Gran captura y un emocionante momento!!
    Felicitaciones Adele!!!
    Saludos buena luz!
  • Claire L. 09/01/2011 12:43

    It's a great photo...would have been a pro for sure ...I'm sorry I missed the voting...
    Kind regards, Claire
  • Dagmar Illing 09/01/2011 11:53

    A very fascinating capture! What a unforgettable moment it must have been!
    Regards, Dagmar
  • Berthold Klammer 08/01/2011 17:14

    Excellent - and certainly a very exciting moment! regards Berthold


Carpeta Gallery Proposals
Vistas 11.445


Objetivo Sigma 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM
Diafragma 7.1
Tiempo de exposición 1/1250
Distancia focal 120.0 mm
ISO 400

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