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Outside (seen out of the front door of our Zeeland house)

Outside (seen out of the front door of our Zeeland house)

1.748 50

Frederick Mann

Premium (World), Wuppertal-Arrenberg

Outside (seen out of the front door of our Zeeland house)

Eines deiner Fotos wurde für die Galerie vorgeschlagen

Hallo Frederick,

Eines deiner Fotos wurde für die Galerie
vorgeschlagen. Nach Ablauf des Voting-Vorgangs
wirst du erneut via Email über das Ergebnis

Begründung des Vorschlages:
well - i'm not sure about the catorgy... but i think
picture's worth to be in the gallery...
a great picture... the photographer somehow "painted with
light" here - and did it in a really good way...
definitely a great piece of art...!

Zum Voting:

my first time... I feel like a virgin... all nervous...
but this has a problem ... only those who have a .com or world membership can vote... as it's been put up for election there.... ( I'm not a member there.. so I can't even see the comments or how the votting is going)

thank you,
thank you Christian Bender for the Vorschlag

Comentarios 50

  • Brigitte H... 09/01/2012 8:47

    Wunderschön ,inmitten der Natur..
    LG Brigitte
  • Sigrid nordlicht in der pfalz 10/02/2008 9:10

    ein nachträgliches PRO !!!
  • Nina Productions 30/08/2007 11:24

    schade... aber absehbar...... :-( ihr habt alle so recht... technikfetischismus.... naja...
  • Yours Truly 29/08/2007 23:28

    Well, it's a pity, but surely comes as no surprise.

    Who cares ... it's a bloody great photo anyway ... !

    Cheers, Claus
  • E-Punkt 29/08/2007 18:31

    @ Frederick und Christian
    Schade, ich hätte das Foto gerne in der
    Galerie gesehen.
    Zu schade...
    Liebe Grüße
  • Frederick Mann 29/08/2007 10:26

    My thank's to everyone who expressed their opinion and voted....

    and to you Christian...
    my very special thanks...
    it was a suprise to me .. to be vorgeschlagen..
    for the first time..
    in a part of fc where I'm not a member ...
    in a way unique ...

    and Christian...
    I do agree with you...
    this 'technically perfect' is a fetish of our times... that many 'fotografers' seem to have...
    after all..
    they reason, a camera is a machine ...
    and it has to function perfectly (if it has enough PS)... and make pictures without grain, lens flare, or even lens distortion... or something like that (I'm sure the list of possible flaws is very long)... LOL ...

    I'm simply an Artist (who also uses a camera as medium)

    Yes, I agree, Christian, mood... feelings.... communication ... are what count .. A picture (or foto) is way of interpretating, seeing (re-seeing) or recycling reality... a form of communication...
    either it commumicates to one...
    or it doesn't
    grain, lens flare, lens distortion, or too little detail in the shadows can all be seen positive (it's amazing what one can see in a picture when one looks) ...
    (I can remember in the 70's pushing a 400 asa film to 1600 asa to get the grain)

    Fotografie, die Sprache des Sehens, ist mein Medium. Indem sie die Kluft zwischen Sprache und Buchstaben überbrückt, wird sie zum idealen Mittel der weltweiten Kommunikation.
    Andreas Feininger

    thank you thank you again...

    Frederick Mann
  • christian ... art-n-visions 29/08/2007 9:38

    well... it's a pity...
    too many people want "technically perfect" shots... the mood does not count anymore...

    it was a try! :-)

    i still like this pic a lot!
  • DRAGA PUC 29/08/2007 8:16 Comentario de la votación

  • Dominique Duriot 29/08/2007 8:16 Comentario de la votación

    all is said above
  • rwesiak 29/08/2007 8:16 Comentario de la votación

    the mood counts! pro
  • Peter. Gau 29/08/2007 8:16 Comentario de la votación

    i think its interesting and different. But i do agree about the lens flare. The grain doesn't bother me.
  • Vesela Maleeva 29/08/2007 8:15 Comentario de la votación

  • Alfred Spectrum 29/08/2007 8:15 Comentario de la votación

    I think the idea is nice, but not enough for gallery, sorry.
  • Waldi W. 29/08/2007 8:15 Comentario de la votación

  • Luc Grollie 29/08/2007 8:15 Comentario de la votación

    it's been said wow for me either....