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Photographer By Nguyen Minh Tien Copyright

Photographer By Nguyen Minh Tien Copyright

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Photographer By Nguyen Minh Tien Copyright

Beautiful image taken on October 27, 2017 from photographer © Nguy?n Minh Ti?n. Shot at a rather low resolution but it brings out a beautiful natural scene. You are sitting looking at the sky combined under the shade of green trees .Photo by Nguyen Minh Tien has cleverly captured the combination of landscapes including far away is a corner of the ancient church courtyard. great and commendable for photographer Nguyen Minh Tien.
Image copyright: Nguyen Minh Tien
© Copyright by photographer: Nguyen Minh Tien
© Contact copyright claims:
Phone: +84944141563
Please Do Not Copy © Any Form

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Nguyen Minh Tien desea expresamente feedback constructivo para esta fotografía. Ayúdalo con consejos sobre la composición de la imagen, la técnica, el lenguaje de la imagen, etc. (Por favor, ¡ten en cuenta el código de conducta!).


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