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Plays with Horses...

Plays with Horses...

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Plays with Horses...

...or which will it be?

This comely little lass appears oblivious to the bustling Holiday season crowds in London’s Piccadilly, and seems
to be trying to decide which of the Horses of Helios – Pyrois, Eos, Aethon, or Phlegon – should be her trusty steed.

Photo + Design ©2011/2012 Steve Ember

Comentarios 4

  • Susanne Kämmner 29/12/2015 15:32

    A great shot, Steve.
    A captivating scene with one leading part and two strong featured parts. In a real theater, this combination sure would mean blood and thunder :-)! The leading part clearly belongs to the young lady. Her expressiveness makes your photo.
    One bit part sure is the architectural-colored beautiful building. The second bit part - what a surprise - is adopted by the shying horse. Interesting are the contrasts between these two featured parts. On the one hand, you have the static architectural motif, that gains its liveliness through the bold illumination. On the other hand, there is the rocky horse, that gains its liveliness through its bold shying moves.Connected are both by the cute (unmoved) girl with her admiring gaze and her bold colored clothing that somehow do not harmonize with the illumination, but nevertheless, fit perfectly into this charming scene.
    Though the scene, at first sight, seems a bit confusing, at the end you again succeed to close the circle. A very charming photo!
  • s. sabine krause 19/03/2012 17:15

    believe it or not… well, she's definitely believing: in the power of stories, in the magic of her own little yarns that pop up in her brain continually! in fact, her face is all bright and shiny, so i think a new story has just seen the light of day: oh, no! she's helios himself now, breathing life into his faithful horses. presently, she'll jump on pyrois, randomly throw thunderbolts into the crowd and have her horses all thunder down piccadilly in one unprecedented stampede – run, people of london! run!!! ; )))))) greetings, sabine.
  • AnnyMae 11/03/2012 18:41

    ... sehr, sehr gut - wie dieses Kind die Pferde anschaut und die Menschenmassen, die Farben und das Licht - einfach klasse - viele Grüße, Andrea